Professional Experience
Senior Research Engineer
May 2024 - Present
Convergent Science, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Description: • Manipulate and Visualize CGNS (CFD General Notation System) files in CONVERGE Studio
• Surface Wrapper for fixing surfaces with problems
• Make Quadrangulation more robust that can handle complicated geometries
Maksim Prakapenka, Team Lead of the Graphical User Interface Group, at Convergent Science, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Research Engineer
May 2022 - April 2024
Convergent Science, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Description: • Convert triangular mesh to quadrangular mesh
• Generate mesh for the 1D simulations
• Generate inlaid mesh in narrow gaps
• Create mesh to help simulate and animate topologically different scanned geometries
Maksim Prakapenka, Team Lead of the Graphical User Interface Group, at Convergent Science, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Engineer II, Software Development
April 2021 - April 2022
Convergent Science, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Description: • Geometry and Meshing
Design and implement algorithms to solve meshing problems for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations.
Maksim Prakapenka, Team Lead of the Graphical User Interface Group, at Convergent Science, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Intern, Software Development
March 2019 - July 2019
Divergent Technologies, Inc., Torrance, California, USA
Description: • Multi-Material Selection Optimization (MMSO)
Developed a tool to recognize and recommend commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) to reduce the overall cost of 3D printing process
Jinbo Chen, Vice President Of Software Development at Divergent3D, Torrance, California, USA
Intern, Mathematica Algorithm R&D
June 2016 - September 2016
Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA
Description: • Linked Wolfram's Mathematica with SideFX's Houdini
Developed software package to connect Mathematica with Houdini, for reading geometry data for plot functions and other functionalities of 3D Printing
Charles Pooh, Manager, Discrete Computation, Wolfram Research Inc, USA
Research Assistant
September 2014 - December 2020
Department of Computer Science, Oregon State University, Oregon, USA
Description: • Geometry and Field Processing on Non-Orientable Surfaces
Designed and developed topological modifications and remeshing of non-orientable surfaces
• Connectivity Editing for Hexahedral Meshes
Designed and optimized topological modifications of hexahedral meshes
• Robust and Fast Extraction of 3D Symmetric Tensor Field Topology
Designed and visualized degenerate curves and neutral surfaces of 3D symmetric tensor fields
• Interactive Design and Visualization of N-ary Relationships
Designed and visualized N-dimensional binary relationships of graphs and networks
• Tensor Field Design in Volumes
Designed tensor field in volumes important in graphics applications like solid texturing, and geometry synthesis
• Interactive Design and Visualization of Branched Covering Spaces
Designed and visualized branched covering spaces of arbitrary surface and fields
• Visualization of Escher Pattern on 3D models
Designed drawing rules for Escher pattern on triangular mesh
Software Engineer
May 2013 - September 2014
Dassault Systemes Solutions Lab, R&D Division, Bangalore, India
Description: • Designed and developed generalized automation features for applications such as Machining, Robotics, Simulations, Sensors and Riveting Operations
• Managed Product Lifecycle of various modules in Digital Enterprise Lean Manufacturing Interactive Application (DELMIA)
Apparao Kattoju, R&D Senior Applications Manager, Dassault Systemes Solutions Lab, Bangalore, India
Software Engineer
September 2008 - April 2011
Dassault Systemes Solutions Lab, R&D Division, Pune, India
Description: • Integrated True Type Extension fonts and font size capability into Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CATIA)
Responsible for designing, developing, testing, and delivering the functionalities to end-users
Manish Patil, Senior Manager - Development, Veritas Technologies LLC, Pune, India
Research Assistant
May 2011 - March 2013
Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal (UDeM), Montreal, Canada
Description: • Studied flow control in microfluidic channels
Explored nanometric deflections of microcantilever actuators in response to a change in pH/potential
Teaching Experience
Summer 2017 - 2018
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
• Instructed undergraduate level course in CS261,
Data Structures (65 Students)
Covered topics of Big-O, Dynamic Arrays, Linked Lists, Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Heaps, Maps, Hash Tables, and Graphs
Teaching Assistant
September 2014 - December 2020
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
• Taught graduate and undergraduate level courses
CS515 (Algorithm and Data Structures)
CS261 (Data Structures)
CS550 (Introduction to Computer Graphics)
CS325 (Analysis of Algorithms)
CS575 (Introduction to Parallel Programming)
CS340 (Introduction to Databases)
CS344 (Operating Systems I)
CS362 (Software Engineering II)
CS290 (Web Development)
Relevant Skills
Comprehensive knowledge and experience in Geometry Modeling, Software engineering, Computer Application Architecture, Computer Aided Designing, OpenGL, Font Rendering, Graphics and Visualization
Extensive programming experience in C, C++, Python and Shell Scripting
Proficient in Visual Studio, QT, Linux, Unix environment
Selected Honors and Awards
2013: Company-wide “Delivery Excellence Award”, 3DPLM Software Solutions, Banglore, India
September 2014 - December 2020: Research Assistantship (full tuition and stipend), Oregon State University, Oregon, USA
May 2011 - March 2013: Research Assistantship (full tuition and stipend), University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
2003: Ranked top 1% among 300,000 applicants in Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
Independent Projects
© Prashant Kumar